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This session focuses on the impact of racism on the mental health of BIPOC communities. Attendees will learn how to define, identify, and address racial microaggressions. They will also be introduced to Racial Battle Fatigue, which refers to the psychological and physiological consequences of experiencing microaggressions and other forms of racism.

This session focuses on anti-racism,
with an emphasis on transitioning from passiveness to action. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in critical self-reflection that will allow them assess their current anti-racist practices, or lack thereof. They will also be provided with tools and actionable steps to incorporate into their daily lives, both personally and professionally.

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This session emphasizes the importance of public scholarship and its ability to increase access to academic scholarship. Using her book, Street Scholar, Dr. Jones discusses how she uses social media as an educational tool to advocate for marginalized communities. This session is appropriate for academics as well as anyone who wants to engage in public scholarship.


This session focuses on critical self-reflection and is designed to challenge attendees to interrogate the motivation behind their allyship. This workshop also discusses performative allyship and the ways it harms marginalized communities. Additionally, attendees will be provided with the tools needed
to become active allies.


This session focuses on the impact of anti-Blackness within the Latinx community. Attendees will learn how to address whiteness and actively combat anti-Blackness. Research on the experiences of Afro-Latinas will also be shared.


This session focuses on the history and tenets of Critical Race Theory. Attendees will learn how to use CRT in education and research. Additionally, this workshop will address and dispel some of the myths about CRT.

©2020 by Angel Jones, Ph.D.

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